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Planetes Crack Serial Key


Updated: Mar 29, 2020

About This Game In Planetes your aim is to survive, create and explore.You will need to harvest resources, in order to construct bases, spacecraft, and items. Protect yourself from other players by creating better spacecraft or a stronger base. Explore space, finding asteroids and planets to land on.If you travel through space you can find planets with simulated gravity and atmosphere. You can land on these planets, or crash land if your ship is not powerful enough. When you arrive you can find resources to harvest and area to build bases. Before you can travel through space you will need to build a ship. If you don't like building in games, you won't have to do much to have a functional spacecraft. If you do like building, you will find a building system with 6 categories of spaceship components each with many different and unique parts offering many options for you to build your ship with.Other players are dangerous, but you can also create alliances with them.Follow Planetes development on the development discord. 1075eedd30 Title: PlanetesGenre: Action, Casual, Indie, RPG, Strategy, Early AccessDeveloper:New Orbit GamesPublisher:New Orbit GamesRelease Date: 28 Aug, 2018 Planetes Crack Serial Key the game appears to be buggy, when i launched it in offline play, the option to spawn was unavailable, and couldnt use any of the controls either. game wont go into offline or online servers, and no one plays the game. absolute waste of money.. a absolute waste of money, the updates are very slow to come out and this cash grab will probably stay in early access forever.. I only played online ......if i could connect....and only the EU server was up, Im in the southern hemisphere so my ping was very highVery buggy, no ones playing,there are people logged in but they're not moving or talkingNot worth the price this early Needs alot of work before its worth playing again. a absolute waste of money, the updates are very slow to come out and this cash grab will probably stay in early access forever. Build Version 0.00111: Additions: In game chat added. (message server wide or a specific player using /tell) Fps/Ping counter which can be turned on in the esc menu. Added 2X2 Medium thruster. Added Low Profile RCS.Changes: Added additional nodes to some parts. Increased the player's starting resources. Increased collision damage.Fixes: Fixed resource node tooltips. Fixed weapon overheating. Fixed maglock not disconnecting if you destroyed the part it was connected to. Fixed issue where some interior parts were difficult or impossible to target with Polytool.. Update Alpha 0.012: Additions: Resources are now items, can be dropped/picked up just like weapons. Added 1X5 Solar Panel. Added art for resource items. Added ability to refuel fuel tanks using the PolyTool (will only fuel a tank if tank is at full HP). Added more tutorial stages covering primary features currently in game.Changes: Chat window location and state is now saved. Modified sounds on ship weapons. Performance improvements for dedicated servers. (Removed status bars from headless, removed nodes from headless) Changed how items are held by character. Increased Torpedo life duration. Polytool will now only "shoot" objects it will have an effect against. Lowered fuel cost of all chemical engines. Removed passive resource gain from all fuel tank parts.Fixes: Issue where servers would delist from master server. Issue with doors not opening on default F press. Bug fix for incorrectly checking integrity of a construct with 1 or fewer parts. Null ref issue when dying related to tooltips.Help find bugs! Please click the report bug button in the top left of the screen if you encounter any issues or bugs. You can also use this feature to request new additions to the game, or if you just want to send a friendly note to the devs!. Update Alpha 0.015: This Update wipes the servers!Additions: Added notifications for when trying to fuel a tank without the correct resources and for when it is full. Discord Rich presence! Planetes Development Discord Console command to set velocity soft cap. Added notifications for picking up items.Changes: Lowered fuel and energy cost for Ion thrusters. World building changes, added additional asteroids in the inner belt. Visuals changes to Blue planet. Added more Fissile material nodes.Fixes: Fix for feet being weird when exiting a seat while moving fast. Fix for save/load menu scrolling. Fix for zooming while trying to scroll save/load menu. Fix for mouse cursor being lagged while moving. (Additional improvements planned)Help find bugs! Please click the report bug button in the top left of the screen if you encounter any issues or bugs. You can also use this feature to request new additions to the game, or if you just want to send a friendly note to the devs!. Alpha Update 0.011: Additions: Persistent inventory. New Part: Side mount ship cannon.Changes: The small bridge can no longer be entered through it's walls. The cockpit is now easier to enter from all directions. Improved names and tooltips on parts. Reduced fuel burn amounts on all chemical thrusters. Increased timer for removing unused parts/items from the game.Fixes: Barrel rotations on gimballed weapons/turrets now updates on the client. Damage overlay now works on clients. Client should no longer freeze when disconnecting from a server. Fix for players damaging themselves by quickly changing direction while sprinting.Help find bugs! Please click the report bug button in the top left of the screen if you encounter any issues or bugs. You can also use this feature to request new additions to the game, or if you just want to send a friendly note to the devs!. Pre-Alpha Update 0.0013: Additions Added legacy save warning. Part - Solar Panel 2X6. Part - Reactor Core. Part - Panel Adapter 3-2, and Panel Adapter 2-1. Added I-Gas resource nodes. Remaining materials node art. Ship splitting.Changes: Added parameters to resource nodes and harvest tools to control effectiveness/ease of mining. Resource Nodes can use a particle effect as a fullness indicator.Fixes: Exiting small cockpit did not move you to your previous position. Asteroids turn invisible when hitting U key.. Update Alpha 0.018 Additions to server persistence and new camera setup.: Join the community on our Discord[]!Additional settings added to server persistence and new Camera panning.Additions: Added to server persistence: Derelict Spawn rate, spawned ship part limit, client can spawn ship, cargo destroy on container break percentage, auto save frequency, velocity soft cap, ship part limit, resources set as infinite. Added map icon for current controlled ship, (indicates direction ship is pointing).Changes: Lowered the stars overall gravity and increased the radius of the star's gravity well. (objects can now hold a stable orbit around the star). Improvements to weapon carry poses.Fixes: Fix for null ref error on status bars when parts are destroyed. Fixed issue allowing ships to move through raised terrain.Help find bugs! Please click the report bug button in the top left of the screen if you encounter any issues or bugs. You can also use this feature to request new additions to the game, or if you just want to send a friendly note to the devs!. Update Alpha 0.013: Additions:- With this patch we have upgraded our servers to much better hardware. Hopefully this will solve a lot of the lag and performance issues players have experienced. Added inspector highlights for seats and cockpits. New Part: Spawn Bay, use this to place a spawn location on your ship. New Part: Cargo Container, can be used for storing a number of items. New Part: Two seat Bridge. New Part: Ion RCS. Console command, Teleport to coords. Server settings are now saved. Center of mass indicator. Red and black circle will update to the center of mass of the ship when parts are added and removed. Added additional stats to generator and solar panel parts. Added resource container status bars to the UI while controlling a construct. Added authorized user list to constructs. To add yourself to your constructs authorized users, set a pincode on any part that uses them. This will allow you to deconstruct with the poly tool at the maximum rate.Changes: Improved rules for inspecting highlighter. Updated how visibility under roofs is calculated (should improve performance) Improved how player impact/Geeforce damage is calculated. Improvements to damage overlay. Increased master server refresh rate. Reequip item when closing inventory. Lowered update rates where possible for additional performance improvements. Various Art Updates to parts. Lowered velocity softcap. Updated Console UI. Improved GiveInfiniteResources Command. Fixes: Fix for cockpit glass not staying transparent. Empty resource items are now removed automatically. Fix for chat autocomplete staying open when chat was minimized. Fix for avatar not always sitting in correct seat position. Fix for ship mass being wrong when ships split in certain situations. Server now forces a ship update if the network position and the client position are too far out of sync.Help find bugs! Please click the report bug button in the top left of the screen if you encounter any issues or bugs. You can also use this feature to request new additions to the game, or if you just want to send a friendly note to the devs!. Update Alpha 0.019 Star System Overhaul Patch!: Join the community on our Discord[]!Star System Overhaul Patch, We have gone through and updated all of the planets to use the new rendering tool. They should all be much more interesting to explore and build on.Additions: Added parts: Light armor plating in 3 sizes and Medium armor plating in 3 sizes. Added Christmas Tree room part (functions as a small storage and looks cozy). Added Christmas Tree Loot Crate. Added new roof panel art. Added new part: HGas Fuel Tank 3X6. Added panning camera for ships. Added four modes to the camera (Cycle through camera modes with C). Added loot spawns. (Crates (currently disguised as christmas trees) will spawn in certain areas on planets, open them using F to get a surprise!)Changes: Lowered pan distance and max zoom of player camera. Gave the panning camera distance based smoothing. Made the camera freeze it’s panning if you open menus. Made the camera pan relative to zoom. Improved the look of raised terrain. Changed how explosion force is calculated. Rebuilt part explosion method. Improved orbit calculations so trajectory lines are much more stable. Improved how thrusters reverse thrust and thruster damage are calculated.Fixes: Fixed roofs having invalid transforms to check visibility against. Fixed weapons being able to shoot through raised terrain. Fixed map trajectories sometimes turning dark grey. Fixed issue where parts would explode when deconstructed. Fixed issue where explosions could sometimes pull you inwards. Fixed some minor issues with gravity calculations. Fixed issue where atmospheric drag was not being properly applied to objects. Fixed issue where a player or ship could get stuck on the edge of a planet and would not be able to move.Help find bugs! Please click the report bug button in the top left of the screen if you encounter any issues or bugs. You can also use this feature to request new additions to the game, or if you just want to send a friendly note to the devs!


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